Top 5 Favorite Disney Snacks
Good Monday Evening! After two weeks of posting on Tuesdays, we are back on schedule! Photo sent straight from Disneyland! Jack is enjoying his churro today! Last week we talked about our favorite "Can't-Miss Shows" at the Disneyland Resort. This week - our favorite can't-miss snacks! As I mentioned several weeks back , I highly recommend stashing snacks from the store in a bag or backpack to save money throughout the day. However, there's nothing wrong with stopping for an in-park snack or two during your stay! Here are our favorites! (Also a big thanks to my parents and Jack who took a ton of time today to fill my many live-from-the-park photo requests for this post!) 1. Cream Cheese Filled Pretzels. If you have been following our blog for a while, this one will come as no surprise. I LOVE Disney's Cream Cheese Filled Pretzels. You can score one of these at the Refreshment corner or at most pretzel carts around Disneyland and California Advent...