
Welcome to the Happiest Travel Blog on Earth!

A little about me, I am a Disney Parks fanatic! I have been to Disneyland 23 times since I was 5 years old, so I have picked up a lot of tips and tricks when it comes to family vacation planning. I decided in high school while I was working on the first copy of my Disneyland Guide that I really wanted to be a travel agent and help plan Disney Vacations. However, things didn’t go exactly as planned and I ended up in the business industry, and then later as a stay-at-home wife and mom! This hasn’t stopped my Disney Obsession though, and I still help friends and family plan their vacations as often as possible! After a lot of prodding from my family, I have finally decided to start a blog where I can post tips and tricks for vacations at the Disney Parks! I hope that the things you find here are helpful as you plan your family vacations to the Happiest Place(s) on Earth!!

If you are interested in receiving a copy of my Disneyland Guide, feel free to contact me at any time at enchantedpumpkinblog@gmail.com. The guide is free, and I will happily customize it entirely to your family’s needs!

If you have any fun tips or tricks that you would like to submit to our blog, let us know!

Lindsay Prout
The Enchanted Pumpkin



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